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Sleeper Thoughts
SaaS Isn't Dying: It's Going Logarithmic
It has been a tough stretch for software companies, and investors at all stages are rightly asking what to do with the sector. As in most...
The #1 Misunderstanding In Software Pitches
I vividly remember leading Q&A on the Twilio IPO roadshow at the mutual fund manager where I started my career. The meeting was an hour...
Investing in Sigma Computing
I’m thrilled to announce that Avenir co-led Sigma Computing’s recently announced Series D along with Spark and with the participation of...
Beware the Banana Stands: Silicon Valley’s Incinerators of Capital
This piece is an attempt to collect my thoughts on a type of business I’ve found particularly hard to analyze over time as an investor. I...
Career Advice for Emerging Investors
Recently, I've had various discussions with young tech investors who, despite early successes, feel they've stagnated in their careers...
Thoughts on Stock Comp in SaaS
In 2008, my burgeoning hobby of investing my college fund into a wide variety of public companies (oil & gas drillers, biotechs, banks, a...
A framework for modeling product development
This post is written to crystallize my own thoughts, and isn't particularly groundbreaking. I have no particular experience in product...
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